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Tobii Dynavox Communicator 4 Software

Communicator 4 product support

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Use Communicator 4 suite installer for a full installation, including voices and symbols, Sono Suite, relevant Acapela voices and the Symbol Stix® symbol library.

Use this installer for troubleshooting purposes if you need to re-install Communicator 4 only. This installer does not include voices, Sono products or symbols.

Communicator 4 comes with dictionaries in its installed language. It is possible to install additional dictionaries for other languages by either downloading and installing the Communicator suite in your language or manually copying the dictionary file to your computer. 
To manually install the dictionary file:

  1. Download the zip file for your language below.
  2. Open the zip file from your browser's download location.
  3. Copy the .vfo file into your Communicator 4 settings folder.

Communicator 4 dictionary settings are stored in:

c:\Users\[Windows User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Viking Software\Communicator\4\Users\[Communicator User Name]\Custom Dictionaries. On a Tobii Dynavox I-Series, this would for example be: c:\Users\TobiiUser\AppData\Roaming\Viking Software\Communicator\4\Users\Guest\Custom DictionariesA

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To play embedded videos you may need to install separate Windows codecs if they aren’t already installed on your computer. We suggest the open-source DirectShow filter LAV Filters.