Snap + Core First


  • Overview
  • Resources
  • Why it works
  • FAQs

I-110 Speech Generating
Device (SGD)


Snap + Core First

A symbol-based communication app enabling
a path to literacy.

Communication, growth and engagement 

A path to literacy

If you’re worried about your child’s ability with language, it’s important to know that everyone has the right to communicate. We believe that every child deserves a voice – and have spent years clinically researching and developing Snap + Core First to help those with language disabilities reach their full potential for communication and literacy.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Research & Tested

Snap + Core First is a symbol-based, speech-generating app custom-designed for AAC (augmentative and alternative communication). Augmentative communicators usually understand more than they can say. Snap + Core First is clinically researched and rigorously tested to offer them the opportunity to express what they truly mean and use real sentence structures to help guide them toward literacy. It’s simple to use for all ages and stages of language development, and is accessible via touch, switch, or eye gaze. Caregivers will find it quick to set up, edit and get support.




Path to literacy

Multiple access methods

Ecosystem of support

The Power to express myself


Snap + Core First engages your child beyond simply responding to questions and making requests. It’s designed to help them start and guide conversations. Our customizable topics offer a way for your child to talk about what interests them – not just what they’ve been taught or asked to say. This will encourage your child to use the app more often and in turn have conversations that express what they truly mean. Engagement is the first of many small, successful steps along the road to communication and literacy.


For most people, language grows naturally over time. Augmentative communicators need the same opportunity by gaining exposure to a range of rich language to express what they truly mean. Snap + Core First can start from a single screen with one word and grow to as many as eighty words per screen, organized in a clinically meaningful way. You can choose to hide and slowly reveal vocabulary or expand the size of the grid. With over 23,000 symbols and the ability to fully customize the screen, your child won’t run out of things to say.


The ability to read and write offers the power to participate fully in life. For non-verbal communicators, literacy is the ultimate goal but many never reach it. Snap + Core First starts with a powerful set of core words (which make up 80% of those used in daily language) to enable the formation of full sentences. Combined with a keyboard, this helps the communicator grow in a systematic way. Snap + Core First also comes with an unparalleled set of resources to guide family and clinicians through the step-by-step process of fostering literacy.

How to get it

Your app, your way

You can try Snap + Core First for free before decidinon either a monthly subscription or a one-time purchase from the App or Windows store. It also comes pre-installed on several Tobii Dynavox devices.

Devices with Snap + Core First


Communicate independently with voice output and computer access using the I-12+/I-15+, a speech generating device tailor-made for AAC, featuring a state-of-the-art eye tracker. 


Break through boundaries and explore life on your own terms with the I-110, our ultra-durable speech generating device designed for effective communication on the go.   

Indi & Indi 7

Jump-start your communication, learning, and language journey with Indi, our all-in-one AAC speech tablet complete with integrated, extra loud speakers. 

I-110 Speech Generating
Device (SGD)


Snap + Core First


Pathways for Core First

A free, dedicated companion app for Snap + Core First, designed for parents, caregivers and educators. Packed with expert advice to help you succeed on the journey to literacy and independence.


A free, cloud-based resource for backing up your customizedTobii Dynavox apps and connecting and sharing among your communication team. 


Browse our library of how-to videos for detailed, step-by-step information on using and getting the most from Snap + Core First. 

Accessible Literacy Learning (ALL)

An evidence-based reading program accessible through touch, eye gaze and scanning. Designed to teach basic reading skills to students who are non-verbal and require AAC. 


Browse ourwebinarshosted by subject matter experts for more in-depth learning aboutSnap + Core First.  

Core First Books & Lessons

A free, downloadable set of Core First books and related lessons. The lessons focus on 3 key goals - teaching what each word means, the position of the word, and how the words work in connected text. 

I-110 Speech Generating
Device (SGD)


Snap + Core First


What makes Snap + Core First unique?

Snap + Core First is based on the fundamental concept that every child has the potential to communicate, and that what your child is currently capable of is the floor, not the ceiling of their ability. With that in mind, we set out to build a simple yet clinically robust communication solution that makes literacy possible. We've achieved this through a combination of scientific evidence, clinical expertise and caregiver perspectives – known asevidence based practice (EBP). 

Scientific evidence

The research behind Snap + Core First is based on the extensive review of current articles, books and conference presentations. This informed the vocabulary for our Core Words as well as the structure of the app’s content to meet the needs of people of varying ages and diagnoses, including autism, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome. 

Clinical expertise

Clinical expertise and expert opinion played a vital role in establishing the direction and refinement of Snap + Core First. The external experts we consulted included Karen Erickson and her team at the University of North Carolina, whose research also informed our Core Words. We also consulted with leading researchers and clinicians in the fields of AAC, literacy, autism spectrum disorders, and cerebral palsy among others. WithinTobii Dynavox, our team, led by our Director of Clinical Content LinneaMcAfoose consisted of speech language pathologists, educators, rehabilitation engineers and assistive technology experts - each with years of experience in a variety of settings with individuals of all ages and diagnoses. 

Parent/Caregiver perspectives

Arguably the most important opinions in developing Snap + Core First were those of parents and caregivers of augmented communicators. This included educators (both regular and special education), speech language pathologists, paraprofessionals with more extensive AAC experience, assistive technology coordinators, and family members of those who use AAC. Feedback from this group over the years provided an excellent base from which we were able to build and refine the final product. 

The small steps count 

Learning to communicate and the journey towards literacy take perseverance and patience – just as it would to learn any new language. The expert opinions we sought during the development of Snap + Core First led to the inclusion of many features that make it possible to achieve simple yet effective small victories along the way. These include: 

  • Easy-to-find drag and drop editing buttons 
  • A quick start up function based on three simple questions 
  • A search bar that not only allows you to see if a word exists but also shows a path to find it 
  • A data collection function to track progress 


Further reading about thehistory and development of Snap + Core First: 

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I-110 Speech Generating
Device (SGD)



Assistive technology devices, apps and accessories for
AAC (augmentative and alternative communication).