La prédiction des mots ne fonctionne plus dans Communicator 5

28 mars 2017

If Word Prediction stops working suddenly in Communicator 5, try the steps below to get it working again.  They are a little technical so if you need help, please call technical support.

1.  Close Communicator
2.  Copy the folder "C:\Users\<WINDOWS_USER>\AppData\Roaming\Tobii Dynavox\Communicator\5\Users\<COMMUNICATOR_USER>\Settings\Prediction" to the Desktop.
3.  Delete all files except "user.config" from the folder "C:\Users\<WINDOWS_USER>\AppData\Roaming\Tobii Dynavox\Communicator\5\Users\<COMMUNICATOR_USER>\Settings\Prediction"
4.  Start Communicator 5
5.  Close Communicator 5
6.  Copy the "dynamic.lm" file from the backup made earlier on the Desktop back to "C:\Users\<WINDOWS_USER>\AppData\Roaming\Tobii Dynavox\Communicator\5\Users\<COMMUNICATOR_USER>\Settings\Prediction" and select yes to replace it.
7.  Start Communicator.

*Internally find more info at CVI-429