How many Licenses or Companion Apps do I get with TD Snap® 1.35 and above

December 09, 2020

With the purchase of a Tobii Dynavox AAC Device Windows and iPadOS
• 1 activation code (if needed, as some devices do not require an activation code)
• 2 companion tokens (these can be claimed through for either Windows or iOS)
• 3 concurrent uses

With the purchase of TD Snap subscription for an iPad from the Apple App store

  • No companion 
  • Apple Family Sharing is supported. Customers who are part of a Family Share plan can share their subscription with other iPads that are also part of that same family plan can be used on up to 5 additional devices (6 total devices).

TD for Professionals Program 

  • One complimentary token 

TD Snap Enterprise 

  • No companion tokens

Windows Perpetual purchase (i.e. license cards) 

  • One perpetual token 

Note: 1 Token = 1 permission